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Station 1 Craps Statistics Answers

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Answer 1: Statistics is parametrized Probability. Any book on measure-theoretic Probability will tell you about the Probability triplet: $( Omega, mathcal F, P)$. But if you're doing Statistics, you have to add $ theta$ to the above: $( Omega, mathcal F, P theta)$, i.e. For different values of $ theta$, you get different probability. Listed in the following table are problem sets and solutions. For each problem set, there is also an interactive problem set checker.Students in the class were able to work on the assigned problems in the PDF file, then use the problem set checker to input each answer into a box and find out if the answer was correct or incorrect. Department of Statistics Statistics 403 Instructor: Nicolas Christou Homework 2 EXERCISE 1 Consider the simple regression model y i= 0 + 1x i+ i, with E( i) = 0;var(i) = 2 and 1;:::; nare independent. It can be shown that the estimators of 1 and 0 are respectively 1 = P i=1 P (x i x )y n i=1 (xi x)2 and 0 = y 1 x. Express 1 = P n. Class X Chapter 14 Statistics Maths Page 2 of 49 Total 20 162 From the table, it can be observed that Mean, Therefore, mean number of plants per house is 8.1. Here, direct method has been used as the values of class marks (xi) and fi are small. Question 2: Consider the following distribution of daily wages of 50 worker of a factory. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics The median annual wage for gaming services workers was $23,520 in May 2019. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less.
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Homework Problems Key Due Date 1 1.2 (This question is asking for one example of a specific outcome and event, not a general statement of what all possible answerscould be) (p.33), 1: 'Five chairs are placed in a row; two of themare red and look identical, two of them are blue and look identical; the last one is green. What is the sample space?', 1.5 (p.34), 1.8 (p.34), 2: 'Suppose that one 8-sided die is rolled and that you observe the number of dots facing up. a) Obtain a sample space for this random experiment whose elements are integers. b) Determine as a subset of the sample space each of the following events: A = die comes up even, B = die comes up at least 4, C = die comes up at most 2, and D = die comes up 3. c) Determine as a subset of the sample space and describe in words each of the events A c , A B, B U C, and BA. d) Describe in words each of the events: see part b) for examples of what is wanted: 5, 1, 3, 5, and 1, 2, 3, 4. 3: 'Showthat both of DeMorgan's Laws (Theorems 1.22, 1.23) are valid for two sets via Venn Diagrams. You will need tohave a separate diagram for each complement, union and intersection.' 4: 'Show that both distributive laws are valid using Venn Diagrams. You will need to showeach union and intersection.' Key Jan. 23 2 5: 'Use the frequentist interpretation of probability to interpret each statement. a) The probability is 0.314 that the gestation period of a woman will exceed 9 months. b) The probability is 2/3 that the favorite in a horse race finishes in the money (first, second, or third place). c) The probability is 0.40 that a traffic fatality involves an intoxicated or alcohol-impaireddriver or person not in the car.' 6: 'This is a continuation of 2 (Homework 1) using the same setsA, B, C and D defined in that problem. Determine which of the following collections of events are disjoint and explain your answers: A and B, B and C, A, C, and D.', 7: '(Be sure to indicate why each statement is true like in a geometric proof) Let S be the sample space Use the axioms to verify the following for events A and B. For part b) you may use the result in a), for part c) you mayuse the results in a) and b): a) P(B) = P(B A) + P(B A c )b) P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B A c ), c) Supposed that at least one of the events A and B must occur -- that is, A U B = S . Show that the probability that both events occurs is P(A) + P(B) - 1.' 8: 'The sample space for the rolling of one 8-sided die is S = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The table provides five different potential probability assignments to the possible outcomes. a) Which of the assignments 1 - 5 are legitimate probability assignments? Explain. b) Determine the probability that the die comes up odd by using each of the legitimate probability assignmentsin the table. c) If the die is balanced, which probability assignment should be used. Explain.', 2.2 (p.49), 2.14 (b is more difficult,p.52), 2.20 (p.52), 2.8 (assume a maximum wait time of 30 mins., p.51), 9: 'Assuming the scenario in problem 2.8, what is the probability that the wait time will be at least 10 mins?' 2.22 (p.53), 10: 'For the followingsituations, identify whether the type of probability is equally-likely, empirical or subjective. Please explainyour answer. a) The percentage of male students in STAT 311 in Spring 2015 is 43.75.b) The percentage of male students in STAT 311 in Spring 2016 will be less than 50.c) A student puts 4 books in her backpack; 3 of them are math books and 1 is a statistics book. Assume that all of the books are approximately the same size. If she reaches into her backpack without looking, the probability of her choosing the statistics book is 1/4.d) In 2013, 65.9 of all high school graduates were enrolled in colleges or universities. 11: 'A person is selected at random from among the inhabitants of a state. Which is more probable: that the person so chosen is a teacher, or the person so chosen is a female teacher? Explain your answer.' Key Jan. 30 3 2.12 (p.51), 2.24 (p.53), 2.26 (p. 54), 3.8 (p. 64), 12: 'In this exercise, you will go over the concepts of independent and disjoint events. Some of these weredone in class, but I want you to go over them again. a) If two eventsare disjoint, determine their joint probability. b) If two events with positive probability are independent,explain why their joint probability is not 0. The conclusion is that these two events can't be disjoint. c) Givean example (which was not given in class or the book) of two events that are neither disjoint nor independent. d) Givean example (which was not given in class or the book) of two events that are disjoint, but not independent. e) Give an example (which was not given in class or the book) of two events that are independent, but not disjoint. f) Give an example(which was not given in class or the book) of two events that are both independent and disjoint.' 3.4 (p.63), 3.10 (p.64), 13: 'Respond true or false . If true, provide the proof, if false, provide a counter example (that was not usedin class). If events A and B are independent and events B and C are independent, then events A and C are independent.' 14: 'The game of craps is played by rolling two balanced dice. A first rollof a sum of 7 or 11 wins; a first roll of a 2, 3, or 12 loses. To win with any other first sum, the summust be repeated before a sum of 7 is thrown. Suppose that a player rolls a sum of 4 on the first roll. Determine the probability that the player wins.' 4.2 (p.74), 4.4 (p. 75), 4.10 (p.76) Key Feb. 6 4 5.2 (p. 86), 15 ' in= a= certain= city,= 30= of= the= people= are= conservatives,= 50= are= liberals,= and= 20are= independents.= records= show= that= in= a= particular= election,= 65= of= the= conservatives= voted,= 82= of= the= liberalsvoted,= and= 50= of= the= independents= voted.= if= a= person= in= the= city= is= selected= at= random= and= it= is= learned= that= shedid= not= vote= in= the= last= election,= what= is= the= probability= that= she= is= 5.6 (p.86), 5.10 (p.87), 16: 'Students are given three chances to pass a basic skills exam for permission to enrol in Calculus I. Sixty percent of thestudents pass on the first try; of those that fail on the first try, 54 pass on the second try; and ofthose remaining, 48 pass on the third try. a) What is the probability that a student passes on the second try?b) What is the probability that a student passes on the third try? c) What percentage of students pass?' 17: 'You have Polya's Urn with r red balls, b black balls and c to be returned.When you draw 2 balls, determine the probability that a) the second ball drawn is red. b) How does thisprobability compare to the probability that the first ball is red? c) the first ball drawn is red, given that the second ball drawn is red.' 18: 'Suppose that you have two coins, one balanced and the other with probability p of a head. You select one of the coins at random and toss it twice. Determine the probability that a) the first toss is a head. b) the second toss is a head. c) both tosses are heads. d) Show that the events first toss a head and second toss a head are independent if and only if the second coin is also balanced. (You need to show both directions.)' 19: 'Each component in the system shown here will work with probability 0.92 independently of the other components. What is the probability that system will work?' 20 'If a circuit is composed only of n parallel components each with a probability of p of being closed, then what is the probability that, at a specified time, the system is working?' Key Feb. 13 5 21: 'Derive the formula for the ordered partition, SLIDE Chapter 4: Slide 11.' 21.1 (p.293), 21.10 (p.294), 21.12 (p.294), 21.22bc (p.296), 21.26 (p.296), 21.30 (p.297), 22: 'In tossing 5 6-sided fair dice, what is the probability of atleast one 2? a) If the dice are distinguishable? b) If the dice are indistinguishable? 23: 'You roll 6 dice where order is important, the first two are 40sided, the next two are 60sided and the last two are 10-sided.a) How many different combinations are there? b) What is the total number of combinations if no number can occur twice on the size size die? (The last part of this question is 16 on the combinatorics 2 worksheet.)' 24: 'The answers to all of the parts of Worksheet Combinatorics 2'. 25: Poker hands (22.1)a) Straight Flush, b) Two Pair, c) Three of a kind', 26: Yahtzee (22.2) a) Four of a Kind, b) Small Straight Feb. 27 6 6.2 (p.98), 6.8 (p.99), 6.14 (p.99), 6.16 (p.99), Plots in this assignmentmay be done by hand or via computer software. If they are done by hand, be sure that the scales are appropriate. 7.4 (p. 113), 7.6 (p.114), 7.8 (p.114), 7.10 (p.115), 27: 'Using the mass andCDF determined in exercise 7.6, calculate the following probabilities using both the mass and CDF (this meansthat you will be calculating each probability twice) a) the probability that you find at most 2 watches, b) theprobability that you find less than 2 watches, c) the probability that you find between 3 and 7 watches exclusive,d) the probability that you find between 3 and 7 watches inclusive.' 8.10 (p.134), 28: 'In problem 8.10, a) Find the marginal masses for both X and Y. b) Find the marginal CDFs for both X and Y.Determine each of the following probabilities c) P(X = Y), d) P(X Y), e) P(X Y). 29: 'In problem 8.10, are X and Y independent random variables? Explain your answer.' 30: 'An automobile insurance policy reimburses a family's accident losses up to a maximum of two accidents per year. For a (high-risk) two person family, let X and Y denote the number ofaccidents in a single year for the two people. Assume the joint mass of X and Y is p X,Y (x,y) = (x + 2y)/15 where x 0,1and y 0,1,2 and 0 else. a) Determine the conditional joint PMF of Y given X = 0. b) Determinethe conditional joint PMF of Y given X = 1. c) Given that X = 1, during a particular year, find the probabilitythat all of the family's automobile accidents will be reimbursed. c) Are X and Y independent random variables?Explain your answer.' Key March 6 7 9.2 (p.141), 9.8 (p.142), 9.14 (p.143, Note: the mass was generated in 8.10 (p. 134)), 31: '9.19 (p.144), except use4-sided dice instead of 6-sided dice.' 32: 'A random sample of size n is taken from a very large lot of items in which 100p 1 have exactly one defect and 100p 2 have two or more defects, where 0 p 1 + p 2 1. An item with exactly one defect costs $1 to repair, whereas an item with two or more defects costs $3 to repair. Determine the expected cost of repairing the defective items in the sample.' 33: 'A box contains 10 disks of radii 1, 2, .., 10, respectively. What is the expected value of the area of a disk selected at random from the box?' 10.2 (p.151), 10.10 (p.152), 34: 'Prove that if P(X = c) = 1 for some c, then Var(X) = 0. Hint:Use the definition of variance and let Y = (X - X ) 2 .', 35: 'Prove Corollary 11.20 (without using Theorem 11.19) a)Var(bX) = b 2 Var(X) b) Var(X + a) = Var(X) Hint: Use the definition of variance and rules for expected values.' 36: 'For a standardized random variable X*,a) Calculate the expected value of X*. b) Calculate Var(X*).' 11.2 (p.168), 37: '11.4bc (p.168) except use a 4-sided die. Part a) was computedin 9.14', 11.14 (p.170), 38: This is a continuation of 11.14.'a) What is the variance of the price of a drink and an appetizer when all drinks are $2 (plus tax)? b) What is the variance of the price of 5 independent people who order appetizers (with drinks)?' c) If W is the random variable in part a). Let Z = 5W. What is the variance of Z?' Key March 13 SPRING BREAK - Mar. 16 - Mar. 20 8 13.4 (p.191), 13.8 (p.192), 14.2 (p.203), 14.4 (p.204), 14.6 (p.204), 17.2abcde (all but part f, p.245), 17.4 (p.246), 17.16 (p.249), 39: 'Using the story in 17.16, a) Why is the approximate probability appropriate?b) Calculate the theoretical probability and compare to your result in 17.16 b). Hint: If your calculatorcan not perform the calculations, then use Wolfram Alpha.' Key March 27 9 15.2 (part g): make a plot similar to Example 15.1 e), however, you only need to plot every 5th part h). you may just place points (instead of lines) for every 5th point. Remember that h) is a CDF. I will post the complete graphsin the key. p.220), 15.10 (p.222), 40: 'Using the information in 15.10, a) What is the probability that X is between 4 and 8 inclusive?b) What is the probability that X is between 4 and 8 exclusive? c) How many pieces would he have to pull outuntil he has a 92 or greater chance of getting a blue moon ?', 15.12 (p.223), 15.18 (p.224), 16.2 (in parts g) and h), just plot every 4th point. I will post the complete graphs in the key. p.231-232), 16.6 (p.233), 16.8 (p.233), 41: 'Given the situation in 16.8, what is the probability that he will find exactly 10 women who fit the glass slipper if he checks 75 women?', 18.2 (p.259, Note: parts g and i are duplicates, you only need to do the part once), 18.6 (p.260), 42: 'Using the situation in 18.6, a) Solve part d), remember Wolfram Alpha, b)Why is the approximation valid? c) Calculate the variances using the original distribution and the approximation.d) Compare the probabilities, expected values and variances between the calculations using the hypergeometricdistribution and the approximation, would you consider the approximation appropriate. Why or why not?(Please use a table for the comparison.)', 18.8 (p.261), 18.14 (p.262), 18.18 (p.253), 19.4 (Expected value: required, variance: bonus, p.267), 19.2 (p.267), 43: 'State which distribution is being described in each situation in the document and why. Note: A correct answer can be'none', but you still need to explain why.' Key April 3 10 23.2 (p.324), 23.4 (p.324), 23.8abcdgh (p.325), 23.14 (p.326), 44: 'Suppose a random variableX has a density given by k(2x - 1) over the values 1 x 3 and 0 else. Find k so that this function is avalid density.', 45: 'Suppose a random variable X has the following density, (7x/4) from 0 x 1, (1/8) from 7 x 8 and 0 else. Find the CDF.' 24.5 (p.339), 46: : For the density in 24.5, find the joint CDF., 24.6 (p.339), 47: 'Verify that the density in problem 24.6 is legitimate.', 24.8 (pp. 339-340), 48: 'In 24.8, are X and Y independent? Answer this questions using remark 25.5 and definition 25.1', 49: 'Determine the joint density when F X,Y (x,y) = x 2 y/2 + xy 2 /2 when 0 x 1 and 0 y 1', 25.2 (Answer this question using remark 25.5 and definition 25.1, p.349), 25.5 (Answer this question using remark 25.5 and definition 25.1, p.350), 25.2 0 (p.353) Key MONDAY April 20 at 5 pm 11 26.3 (p.361), 50 In problem 26.3, given y = 2, what is the conditional probabilitythat 0 x 1? 26.16 (p.363), 28.14 (p.390), 28.16 (p.391), 28.19 (p.391), 28.22 (p.391) 51: 'Derive the density for a continuous uniform random variable on the interval [a,b] give themthe density function is a constant, that is f X (x) = c (a constant).' 30.2 (p.415-416), 30.12 (Hint: What is the distribution? p.418), 52: 'Derive the CDF for an exponential random variable.', 31.2 (p.434), 31.6 (p.435), 31.12 (p.436), 34.3 (p.482), 34.6 (p.483), 34.10 (p.483), 34.16 (p.484), 34.22 (p.485) Key WEDNESDAY
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